For those of us who live in Sydney Australia, this July new moon occurs at 11:16am 10 July 2021. Readers from other time zones will need to adjust the time (you can check out your time zone here https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/
This new moon will be at 18 degrees Cancer and the sun and moon will be in opposition to Pluto at 25 degrees Capricorn. Pluto in Capricorn is continuing its purpose of exposing corruption and over use of power and control by authorities, questioning old narratives, rules and traditions and embracing new, harmonious, life affirming ways of being. Pluto is basically shaking the foundations of any structure that is patriarchal and oppressive. Cancer energy is matriarchal and operates very differently to Capricorn energy. There is a capacity to reach outwards and connect to people in a networked pattern and there is intention to be caring and supportive of everyone. Listening to others, considering the opinions of everyone and finding common ground, whilst always keeping in mind the health and well-being of the group and future generations. People before profit.
Cancer rules the areas of home & family, security – physical, emotional and financial, nurturing and caring, intimacy and emotional honesty, and intuition. With the opposition to Pluto at this new moon, we may find these areas of life are being challenged or threatened by decisions being made by people who assume authority over us. We may be told that the orders or rules are in our best interests, but we must trust our intuition and gut instincts as to whether this is true. The polarity of this planetary opposition provides us with access to the power we need to stand up to authority when it is corrupt or too controlling and oppressive; we find the courage to stand up and say “no”.
This applies to personal relationships too – is there someone in your life that you look up to and have trusted yet they expect you to always do it their way? Set your intentions to honour your needs too and that it’s OK to say “no”. Perhaps it’s a boss who loads you up with work and you are having to work long hours on a regular basis. You don’t get enough quality time with your family – set your intentions to perceive a solution and then speak honestly to your boss about your feelings and needs. If the boss is compassionate and understanding then changes will come about that suit you both. If the boss is not, then maybe it’s time to find employment elsewhere. Or perhaps you are the one acting with too much need for power or control over your dependants or employees or colleagues? In which case, your intentions may be around being willing to let go of control and trust the integrity and good ideas of others. You just might learn something valuable and see great benefit from a different approach.
The other side of the coin for Cancer is dependence on others for security – particularly emotional security. Empowered Cancer is a protector and provider, a disempowered Cancer is depending on others for their own sense of security. Use this new moon to set intentions to be self-reliant and resourceful without cutting others off. Learn when to ask for help and when to do it yourself. Remember, life is a dance – don’t take it too seriously.
As most of you know, our individual wishes impact on the collective and as we are living in times of great tension and discord, we need to be very mindful that our personal wishes are in alignment with creating a new, healthier way of living in harmony and balance with each other and nature – after all, it is Mother Nature that provides for our every need and it is our relationships and interactions with people that shape our lives!
Cancer New Moon Intentions – Frame your intentions around these themes/areas:
- Being supportive and caring towards others and accepting support when needed
- Emotional security – noticing how others are supportive of you and whether you are supportive and encouraging of others
- Financial security – living within your means, being grateful for what you have and seeing opportunity for new sources of income that are in alignment with your values
- Creating a loving, nurturing home and family life so you, your partner and your offspring can grow and develop in a supportive environment
- Acknowledging moods and feelings of yourself and others
- Paying attention to intuition – trust your gut! If it feels right, then go for it. If it feels wrong for you, then don’t.
Setting your intention
Optimal timing of setting your new moon intentions is in the 8 hour period immediately following the time of the new moon. Your window of opportunity to set your intentions for this Cancer new Moon (in Sydney) is from 11:16am to 7:16pm, Saturday 10th July. (Note for readers from other regions – check your optimal times here https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/)
To set your intentions it is important to handwrite your intentions on paper – there is something profound about the act of handwriting because your energy and intention flows through your hand and onto the page via the pen. Notice how your handwriting style may change according to your mood, so it reflects more of your inner feelings than typing on a keyboard.
It is recommended to create at least 3 intentions and a maximum of 10. Any more will dilute the energy. Intentions are phrased as wants/wishes and it is important that you write them in a way that activates your feelings so you are emotionally involved with the intention. Write them down as if they have already manifested. Note that this is important!
Examples of intentions for this Cancer new moon
- I easily find myself making time to be with my family and share and listen to them in a loving way
- I find myself easily sticking to a savings plan so I can meet my financial goals
- I easily trust my intuition and don’t let others dissuade me from what feels right for me
- I easily find myself behaving in a more caring way towards others and realise I do not need to control their behaviour even if I don’t agree with their approach
- I now have the courage to face and let go of the unhelpful aspects of my attitudes and behaviours that arose from childhood conditioning and be willing to explore different attitudes and behaviours
The new moon intentions hold more power if you know which area of life they are affecting in your life. For example, this New Moon is in my 10th House – so I will frame my intentions around my career and my interactions with the general public and authority figures/institutions. As mentioned above, this new moon will be at 18 degrees of Cancer so look at your own chart to see what planets it may be aspecting and which house it falls in for you. (You will need to know your birth time to be sure of the house position in your natal chart.)
If you want guidance on how to frame your new moon intentions by knowing where they occur in relation to your personal astrological chart, you can request a New Moon Astro Session with me via the contact page on my website https://www.michelecondeherbalist.com.au/contact