I have to say Bowen therapy is a Game changer. Bowen is now the first thing I suggest for everyone who comes to see me because it works with the body’s innate intelligence to repair and restore itself. I learned that the body is ALWAYS trying it’s very best to keep everything running smoothly and efficiently – it is only limited by how we treat it – what we think, what we say, and what we do.
Icing on the Cake was the Mind Body Bowen workshop I attended, taught by Anne Schubert and Margaret Spicer. This way of working with Bowen helps unlock and release trauma that is trapped in the body causing problems that are not resolving with other forms of treatment. Often it is unconscious behaviours and beliefs that sabotage our efforts to change and grow and Bowen Therapy can assist in bringing these up to the surface so they can be released. Then real change and growth can occur.
What is Bowen Therapy? It is a gentle bodywork technique developed by the late Tom Bowen in Geelong, Victoria. Tom Bowen treated literally thousands of people with the technique during his life. It was not till the 1980’s that the technique was taught to others by selected and devoted students of his work. The Bowen technique has been gaining recognition worldwide as an effective therapy for all sorts of health problems. I had the good fortune to be trained and mentored by one of the world’s leading teacher-trainers of Bowen Technique, Anne Schubert! Thank you Anne.

The Bowen Technique differs from other bodywork techniques because it stimulates the body to heal itself. The technique involves gentle rolling moves performed at specific locations on the body involving muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments in specific sequences depending on the presenting symptoms. The moves are interspersed with a short “pause” when the therapist may leave the room enabling the body to integrate the response from each set of moves. The technique is deeply relaxing and restorative, causing the body to rebalance and realign itself after acute injury or chronic dis-ease states.
Bowen therapy is safe to use on all persons and most conditions from newborns and infants, children, teens, pregnancy and the elderly.
Conditions that can be assisted by Bowen therapy include:
- anxiety and depression
- sleep problems
- digestive problems
- muscle pain and discomfort from chronic stress
- pain from injury anywhere to the body
- pelvic and spinal misalignments, including scoliosis
- chronic sinusitis
- teething problems in children
- colic in babies
- behavioural problems in children
- headaches and migraines
- painful back
- knee problems
- feet problems
- many more conditions can be alleviated with Bowen therapy.
Give your body a chance to experience the remarkable benefits of Bowen therapy.
What to Expect:
Initial Bowen treatment session will take 60-90 minutes as time is needed to obtain your medical history and discuss your symptoms and treatment goals. Follow up Bowen treatment is best within 5-10 days and usually take 45-60 minutes depending on the condition being treated. Most clients have good results within 2-3 treatments. Bowen treatment are performed whilst the client is fully clothed, so if you intend to have a Bowen treatment, it is recommended that you wear loose fitting, elastic waist garments such as tracksuit or cotton pants and a t-shirt or light cotton shirt.
Bowen treatment is ideally performed with the client laying on the treatment table, but if you are unable to lie down due to pain or injury, the Bowen treatment can be done whilst seated. The treatment is performed in a calm and quiet environment and each sequence of Bowen moves is interspersed with necessary “pauses” to enable the body to respond – this may involve sensations such as tingling, warmth, pulsing, twitching. The location of the sensations helps the practitioner to assess underlying disturbances and modify the treatment program for maximum benefit. It is most important that you are warm and relaxed and as comfortable as possible.
If you are suffering from a new and recent injury or condition it would be reasonable to expect pain relief with one or two sessions.
For chronic health problems you may need to have more sessions, but you should notice a shift towards improvement in the condition after the first or second treatment.
I will never forget my first introduction to Bowen Therapy. An herbalist friend at the clinic where I worked, kindly offered me a Bowen therapy treatment for a headache that had been building up and was becoming incapacitating. I was blown away at how quickly the headache disappeared during the treatment. I had been prone to severe headaches since I was young and had to use painkillers to get relief and be able to sleep. After studying natural medicine I decided to wean myself off the stronger ones (paracetamol with codeine and a muscle relaxant) and had successfully reduced the frequency and severity of the headaches by making lifestyle changes. But every now and then they would come back and I would have to resort to some kind of painkiller so I could sleep. The Bowen therapy treatment had really transformed the condition – the headache simply disappeared. I really wanted to be able to offer this amazing technique to help my clients and family and I am so glad I signed up to learn Bowen technique! It really makes a huge difference.
UPDATE: I have not had a debilitating headache since that treatment back in 2014!