Naturally Better Program

This 3 month program is suitable for chronic long standing conditions such as hayfever, sinus and eczema, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Obesity, Autoimmune diseases and more…

The Naturally Better Program takes place over 3 months with 6 x sessions. Each session includes a consultation and a Bowen therapy treatment. 

What you will receive:

  • 6 x Sessions with me. Each session includes a Bowen therapy treatment and time to talk about your health challenges so symptoms and causes and responses to treatment can be addressed. You will have access to my knowledge and expertise assisting you in establishing realistic well-beings goals for the 3 month time frame and how to measure your progress. You will have my guidance and support to keep you motivated and ontrack.  I will share techniques for recognising and discarding unhelpful habits and creating new, enjoyable, helpful habits that are more in alignment with meeting your goals.
  • Bowen therapy treatments designed to re-balance,  relax and realign your body’s systems so they begin to function more efficiently.  Read more about Bowen Therapy.
  • Recommendations for nutritional and lifestyle changes you can make that will improve your ability to accomplish your goals.
  • A free 120 page Well-being journal  (valued at $30) so you can write down your thoughts and affirmations, and keep track of what’s working for you or not, as you progress through the program.  I recommend that you bring your journal to the sessions for discussion of what is working and what isn’t and “why”.  This will be valuable in making sure you are getting the most out of the program.
  • Somatic exercises you can do that reduce stress and reactivity,  and improve circulation so nutrition is getting to every cell and waste produces are being more efficiently removed.
  • Practices for calming the mind and body via meditation, visualisation, somatic breathing and movement exercises that release tension and improve strength and flexibility.
  • OPTIONAL: Working with your natal horoscope for guidance and direction
    so you are making the most of your strengths and not falling into
    negativity when things appear to be other than what you hoped for. 
    Please indicate whether or not you are interested in this component of
    the program.
NOTE: Herbs, Flower essences and supplements may be prescribed, if appropriate, and you can purchase these separately.

Naturally Better Program Schedule:

Session 1 (Week 1) – Initial consultation covering all aspects of your health and lifestyle factors to establish your realistic well-being goals PLUS a Bowen therapy treatment  (Approx 2 hours)

Session 2 (Week 2) – A consultation to review your progress and make adjustments as required PLUS a Bowen therapy treatment  (Approx 90 minutes)

Session 3 (Week 4) – A consultation to further review your progress PLUS a Bowen therapy treatment  (Approx 90 minutes)

Session 4 (Week 6): A consultation to review your progress and share strategies to help keep you on track and in alignment with the new healthy habits PLUS a Bowen therapy treatment (Approx 90 minutes)

Session 5 (Week 9): A consultation to review your progress and share strategies to help keep you on track and in alignment with the new healthy habits PLUS a Bowen therapy treatment  (Approx 90 minutes)

Session 6 (Week 12): A consultation to review your progress and share strategies to help keep you on track and in alignment with the new healthy habits PLUS a Bowen therapy treatment  (Approx 90 minutes)

Program Price is $875 (valued at $980)

If this program appeals to you and you’re ready to get started, you can purchase it from my SHOP

If you’re interested but would like to find out if we are a good fit to work together, hop over to my contact page and get in touch.